서누룩 / SUNURUK 200g
엘에이에 위치한 남가주술연구소(California Suul Institute)에서 지난 3년간 ‘한국 술의 세계화’라는 기획 아래 나온 연구물로서 밀과 보리, 녹두 등을 주 원료로 하고 있습니다. 연구 방법은 고문헌에 기초를 두고 있지만, 남가주의 기후와 자연 조건 속에서 현대적으로 재해석한 점에서 의의가 큽니다. 이 누룩을 통하여 선조들의 지혜와 우리나라 고유의 가양주문화 전통을 이어가시기를 기대합니다.
※ 서누룩 200g 1팩과 안내문(100g 씩 2번 빚으실 수 있습니다)을 참고하여 가양주 빚기에 도전해보세요. 가족과 함께 건강한 음주문화를 체험해보시고, 저희 연구소에 후기를 보내주시면 서누룩 100g을 더 보내드립니다.
sunookpark@me.com / Text message to 323-823-2226
Sunuruk is a type of nuruk (leaven) that is essential for brewing Suul. It is different from yeast and koji, however, it is an active ingredient that aids in the saccharification and alcohol production processes used in the making of Suul from rice grains. Sunuruk is resultant of our research project, consisting of organic wheat and barley seeds and mung beans mixed with water. The objective of this localization attempt was to translate the thousand years-old traditional methods of Korean nuruk production in the local environment of the Los Angeles area, using widely available natural ingredients while simultaneously upholding the original philosophical spirit. It is our intent, as well as a gift, for you, to help you experience the cultural wisdom of our ancestors. Enjoy, explore, and pass it on to the children in your family in the form of your own family Suul.
※ You can make 2 small batches of traditional Korean Suul with this 200g pack of Sunuruk. Use the instructions in the blog to create and discover your own family Suul. Enjoy it with your family and friends. If you send us your story and a few pictures, we will send you 100g of Sunuruk to make another batch!
sunookpark@me.com / Text message to 323-823-2226